Pricing for rendering can be confusing and your estimate is rarely what you’ll actually be billed once the job is complete.
We are competitively priced with other render farms but make the pricing part of the process far more transparent.
We’ll work with you to get a feel for the job as a whole and render representative test frames to get a clearer idea of a true average render time. Then keep you informed if the estimate needs to be reviewed as the job progresses. Here's an overview of our pricing.
Sending a render off into the automated unknown, hoping it’s going to come back ok, can be a stressful experience.
We set-up a dedicated slack channel per client, so you can always call or message us with questions, and check in to see how the job is going.
You can trust us to work through any set-up issues to get your renders looking as they should. Then we supervise the rendering until the job is completed and delivered on time.
The heata unit is a powerful compute server that attaches to domestic hot water cylinders. The heat generated by the processing is transferred into the cylinder using a patented thermal transfer mechanism.
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01483 677 147
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